three books
2 + 2 = 5
Snakes in the freezer
Garter Snakes
Circling Vultures
The book I haven’t read
Aliens for dinner
Examples of iridescence from the fall fair
Frustrated with technology
There's a hole in the middle
a different expedition to Cumberland Sound
My difficulty with poems
What will change?
Some icy bits
What isn’t happening...
Glass Frogs
Ice holes
making ice
Getting tangled in jargon
An interesting take on blues and greens
The case of the drowning crickets
Floating Trees
a porpoise for a trip
talks about climate change
my brain is full!
How deep is it?
Plastic in the ocean – a depressing thought
Playing with fire - again
a bit about a beach sceine
How to be an algivore
on a snowy day ...
Apollo 18
Shiny Shoes
The talking crow
Winter colour - or gratuitous ducks