The Alien Artifact or NaNoWriMo part 2
Here's the first part of my planning for The Alien Artifact - many stickies were harmed.
Last year, I participated in National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) to write book 3 my Settler Chronicles series. Over the course of a month, I managed to get out 50,000 words in the form of a complete first draft of a book. As first drafts go, the draft wasn’t bad.
Because, I’m often a sucker for punishment, I’ve signed up for this years NaNoWriMo to write book 4, the final book of the series.
The Alien Artifact will include the final showdown of the series, along with a planned death of a major character. There will be spaceships and virtual worlds (and virtual spaceships) along with a heist and high-speed chase. Will the surviving characters get to live happily ever after? It’s all in my outline, but I’m not telling.
There is also a likely probability that I’ll come up with better ideas while writing and the whole story will morph into something better.
And stay tuned here, I have exciting news coming up soon.