Site update and housekeeping
I've dropped down to a four day workweek at my day job so I can have a full day to focus on my writing, both fiction and non-fiction. As a result there should be an increase of posts here all around quirky facts, things that interest me, as well as discussion on writing process and creativity. I'm also going to start a writing prompt feature focused on science fiction (or fantasy) idea generation.
It turns out that in the current writing world serialized fiction is becoming more popular—of course, serialized fiction is not a new idea for example Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury (1953) and The Forever War by Joe Haldeman (1974) were first published in a serialized format. But the idea is older than that, a lot of classics were also serialized like The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexandre Dumas serialized from 1844-1846.
As an experiment (I am a scientist by day after all) I've started serializing some of my stories over on SubStack – so far, there are two free stories over there – The Last Stop and Lunar Escape (which is also available as a free download for anyone subscribing to my author newsletter). The plan right now is that my next novel (Fractured Orbits) will be serialized on SubStack first in twice weekly episodes available as a monthly subscription. Once it's all out on SubStack, I'll release the ebook and paperback into the normal stores. More details on this to come. The novel is with my editor, who is, unfortunately, dealing with some health issues, so the book is delayed until at least October.
About that author newsletter... it's a once a month affair with updates, links to interesting things a some free short stories—if you are interested sign up in the box on the right.
My reduced work week also means I need to keep an eye on my writing expenses and this site isn't free. I hate random advertising, especially pop up boxes and blinky things, so none of that nonsense will show up here. However, I have started using affiliate links to generate a bit of income (right now just Amazon, but I'm looking at others as well). I've also set up a ko-fi account where my books can be purchased direct from me, or you can buy me a coffee.
As for social media, I can be found on Twitter and Facebook. I'd probably enjoy Instagram, but I fear it would suck me in (I have an account but don't do anything with it. I briefly tried out MeWe—and I know it's the hiding place of far right conspiratisits, but it was the unsolicited sexual advances from absolute strangers that drove me away.
I have to say I'm not a big fan of social media in general—I'd much rather see people in person. And I have to say, there are times when I look at what's in my Twitter feed and just don't know what to think. Someone has had a bad day and wants dog pictures, someone wants book recommendations (but do they really?), someone hates their job, someone cut their hair, someone's loved one just died, someone just did an epic chest workout, someone wants to know who's going to play you in the movie based on your life... (and it goes infinitely on). I think Jenny Odell, the author of How To Do Nothing put it well:
“Scrolling through the feed, I can't help but wonder: what am I supposed to think of all this? How am I supposed to think of all this? I imagine different parts of my brain lighting up in a pattern that doesn't make sense, that forecloses any possible understanding. Many thing in there seem important, but the sum total is nonsense, and it produces not understanding but a dull and stupefying dread.”
That said, I always appreciate a good craft or art project, enjoy nature pictures and will like anyone who just had a child, got married or obtained an advanced degree.
That's it for my update and I'll be posting more fun stuff soon (after I spend a week camping by a beach).