Hi Everyone,
First of all, thank you for being here!
And, I goofed. My welcome email for new subscribers got changed, meaning everyone who is new missed out. So, to make amends use coupon code THANKYOU25 to get 25% off any books in the Armchair Alien bookstore.
Writing Update
The first draft of my still un-named sequel to Hope is the Thing With Feathers is done. But… there’s a long way to go before it’ll be a book worth sharing. The first step for me is to put it away for a bit, then I’ll go through a printout version with my red pen.
Overall, I’m happy with my start.
I often get asked how I come up with enough time to write, and I have to admit that it is a challenge (I have a full-time day job and a family and friends I like to spend time with). Also, I’m really good at procrastination—a skill I’m yet to find a practical application for.
Here’s what I do:
1 - accept that I may only get short stints to write in, and that’s totally fine (I also accept that my first draft will suck, which is okay too)
2 - I set things up so that I’m forced to choose between doing something boring (like cleaning the floor) or writing. Sometimes cleaning the floor wins, but most often I get words down.
3 - I just keep plugging away at it. I often find that once I’m into a story, that ideas just pop into my head and I’m racing to get them down. But that’s not always the case, sometimes, the best I can do is just keep plugging away.
Birds (and they might be coming for you)
This seabird is from here (there’s lots of great underwater pictures worth checking out).
My latest book includes a number of birds—mostly as scenery, but there is one that becomes a character. And I have to admit, I love them. I’ve kept chickens, pigeons, and assorted finches over the years. Currently, I create habitat for them in my backyard. I don’t have to cleanup so much after the wild birds and they are just as fun to watch, except…
It’s spring and that robin is back — the one who sees himself in my bedroom window and must attack over and over and over again. I assume he’s after his own reflection, but there is a slim chance he is actually coming for me.
If you are into birds, check out this newsletter. I recently stumbled upon it and have been delving in.
If you’re looking for a space adventure to avoid the mid-winter doldrums, check out these:
My Books:
Hope is the Thing With Feathers - direct or from the shops
Encoded Orbits
Fractured Orbits - direct or from the shops
The Alien Algorithm - direct or from the shops
Subject 34 - direct or from the shops
Settler Chronicles
Day 115 on an Alien World - direct or from the shops
Far Side of the Moon - direct or from the shops
Abandoned Ships, Hijacked Minds - direct or from the shops
The Alien Artifact - direct or from the shops
And if you aren’t already a subscriber, what’s stopping you (especially if you have read this far)?