Lost in Space - review
Space colonization, saboteurs, and struggling for survival are all themes I go for. Throw in an astronaut family and I’m definitely interested. The TV series Lost in Space fit the bill, plus it had the potential of being a good show for our household little person. Unfortunately, it didn’t quite hold her attention (probably because the Hulk wasn’t in it).
Overall, I thought Lost in Space was a solid adventure, complete with dinosaur-like aliens, black holes and a lot of bad luck (I’m willing to suspend some laws of physics for my TV viewing). The show skewed more towards stories around interpersonal issues rather than figuring out basic survival on an alien world.
The Robinsons had a lot of bad luck, but they were a group of overachievers with skills. The alien world they crashed on was almost perfect for humans complete with air to breath, plus plenty of resources just laying around. There were a few characters who had questionable motives and the obvious solution for their communication issues was never considered.
What I liked the most was that there was a smart, flawed, age appropriate female character that I could identify with (Although, I didn’t necessarily agree with all her actions).
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