Hi Everyone,
Happy New Year!
Despite not releasing a new novel in 2024, it turned out to be my best author year yet. But, 2025 should be better.
The Lost Star Chart is coming out in March. It’s up for pre-order now and I’ll have more news around this book in my next newsletter.
Starting next week over on the Armchair Alien Substack, I’ll be sharing the first of two short stories featuring The Lost Star Chart’s protagonist. Both are silly and fun—and they’ll be free.
The sequel to Hope is the Thing With Feathers has a date with an editor this month. It’s shaping up to be a great story with a bunch of my favourite things like exploring a new environment and possible alien intelligence—best of all it’s a book about friendship. If all goes smoothly, I expect the book to be ready by the summer. I haven’t decided yet if I’ll release it as a Kickstarter or not.
What I’m working on now
Remember that short story that I mentioned in my last newsletter? It’s now a novella and the first draft is almost done. The story has turned into my take on the 1959 movie version of Journey to the Centre of the Earth. It’s one of my favourite movies of all time and I have fond memories of watching it as a kid. Sadly, I haven’t read the original novel (perhaps I should).
I’m not sure yet what I’ll do with this novella. Most likely, I’ll release it on the Armchair Alien substack this summer.
Who is Armchair Alien?
Perhaps I should back up a bit and explain what/who Armchair Alien is…
Armchair Alien is a combined effort, where I’ve teamed up with Rene Astle, a fellow author and good friend. We share out fiction and ideas (and we’ve been discussing potential co-authored stories).
There’s a newsletter:
And a shop where you can get all our books directly from us. In 2025, we’ll be adding more physical books, as well as special editions and exclusive items.
Finally, my request…
As an independent author, book reviews really help others find my work. If you’ve read any of my books, I’d really appreciate if you’d leave an honest review.
The Armchair Alien Mega Book Bundle
Over at the Armchair Alien books shop, we are running a 50% off sale of a mega bundle of all our scifi (and it’s a great way to support us).
Journey through wormholes to new worlds — where mystery awaits. Join a ragtag crew as they try to make their way in the universe, only to get mixed up in events bigger than them. Follow a cryptographer travelling through weird and wonderful worlds in her search for her daughter.
My Books:
The Lost Star Chart - Preorder
Hope is the Thing With Feathers - direct or from the shops
Encoded Orbits Trilogy
Fractured Orbits - direct or from the shops
The Alien Algorithm - direct or from the shops
Subject 34 - direct or from the shops
Settler Chronicles
Day 115 on an Alien World - direct or from the shops
Far Side of the Moon - direct or from the shops
Abandoned Ships, Hijacked Minds - direct or from the shops
The Alien Artifact - direct or from the shops
And if you aren’t already a subscriber, what’s stopping you (especially if you have read this far)?
and as a final disclaimer - please take any typos and errors as proof this newsletter is entirely written by a human (and a flawed one at that!)