Day 115 reviews
I've been amazed at the response I've gotten about my book Day 115 on an Alien World. Check out these snippets of reviews I pulled off Amazon (yeah I cherry picked the best bits and these aren't even from my relatives). I would not have expected this from my first book! I'm glad everyone appears to be enjoying it.
I'm a sucker for well-written sci-fi adventure novels, and boy, did this one deliver!
This book was a home run on the first pitch! Wow! I'm not one to throw around 5-star ratings like rice at a wedding, but this book totally deserved it.
This is an interesting and creative story. Well paced, creative storyline, smartly written and captivating.
An unlikely heroine struggling to save her people from an unknown attacker on an alien world. Definitely one to check out
I could continue reading this adventure for another 115 days!
The book grabbed me right away, pulling me along from page one to the climax, with a story that was well crafted and filled with characters I found relatable - smart, funny and flawed.
And here's a great video review:
Thanks everyone for all the support—now I need to get to work finishing wordsmithing book 2 (it'll be done soon, I promise!).