Buggy Hardware
I finally got around to clearing out an old filing cabinet last weekend. Amongst the shocking amount of scientific papers I've hoarded over the years, I found a cache of drawings--or are the illustrations? I don't know where the dividing line is. I did them a few years ago with felt pens on paper. Just looking at them makes me want to pull out the pens and draw some more. I have a graphic novel idea that's been percolating in the back of my mind that might need some sketches...
I'd forgotten about them, and I like them, so I thought I'd share.
Above is some buggy hardware inspired by a Nick Bantock illustration (I love all his stuff). Below are some animals I drew because I wanted too.
As a tangent -- most of the scientific papers went into the recycling bin as they are easy to find on line (but I suspect I'll never look at them again).