Abandoned Ships; Hijacked Minds
In perhaps a moment of foolishness, I've officially signed up to do National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) this year - which is where I've set a goal (along with many, many others) to write a novel in a month. More specifically, 50,000 words. My books so far have been just over 70,000 words - so, assuming I succeed and hit that 50,000 word mark, what I write will be a good first draft. Or, another way to look at it, the clay to mould a book out of.

What I'll be writing is: Abandoned Ships; Hijacked Minds, the third instalment in my Settler Chronicles series (this is book 1, book 2 has a couple more drafts to go).
Currently (and I reserve the right to change things as I go) Abandoned Ships; Hijacked Minds is a horror/romance mash-up with plenty of action planned with references to Alice in Wonderland.
This morning I started (my outline was pre-written), and now I'm almost 2000 words in. I'm curious how my productivity will go and how my planned story will morph.
And, I've signed up with an author friend (you can find her stuff here)
Sadly, words written for my blog don't count.