A mid-summer up date
Leeky orbs hovering over the garden
It’s been a while since I’ve posted an update, so here one is.
Fiction Writing
First, I released the first book in my Settler Chronicles series, Day 115 on an Alien World, in April and it has exceeded the goals I set for it (yay!). I’ve also finally sorted out print copies, and they are now available (here on Amazon, but any book store should now be able to bring a copy in).
Book 2 in the series (Far Side of the Moon) is in what I hope is it’s final stages. The book is now with a beta reader and my plan is to release it late August or early September. With that book off my plate, I’ve been taking some time to re-read book 3, Abandoned Ships; Hijacked Minds. I wrote the first draft during NaNoWriMo last fall and haven’t looked at it since. There’s clearly a lot of editing work to be done, but I’m really enjoying the story.
I have some other writing in the works. I’m just outlining book 4, The Alien Artifact, now. It’ll be the final book in the series. I’m also working on a stand alone novella in the Settler Chronicles world. And, another Science Fiction story set in a new universe is in the works. Stepping outside the realm of science fiction, I’ve been collaborating on a modern-day adventure novel which I’m hoping will be out in 2019.
Beluga lentil pods - the mass of greenery with the little pods and lilac flowers strikes me as quite pretty
When I look at the analytics for this website, my garden posts rank high--but I haven’t posted much about it lately. The garden is growing well, we’ve been harvesting boatloads of berries, cucumbers and other veggies. But to make my life simpler this year, the vast majority of my garden beds have been planted with dried beans and potatoes--both are crops that are easy to harvest and store.
I had a few leftover leeks in the ground from last year, so I've let them flower as a seed saving experiment. They've put out massive orbs that tower above everything else in the bed (including me). I hope I'll be able to save a ton of seeds, but it turns out the best part is how much the bees love the flowers.