a banana poem (just because)
Bananas so sweet and bright,
Yellow skins that glow in light.
Curved and smooth, so easy to peel,
A nutritious snack that's always ideal.
With potassium rich and calories low,
A perfect pick-me-up, don't you know.
In smoothies, baked, or simply raw,
A versatile fruit that everyone adores.
From Caribbean shores to distant lands,
Bananas travel across seas and sands.
A staple food in so many homes,
It's hard to find a place where it's unknown.
So here's a toast to this humble fruit,
A symbol of happiness, youth, and truth.
May it bring a smile to your face,
And sweeten every moment in every place!
For fun, I asked ChatGPT to write a poem about bananas and this is what it returned--it's a better poem than I could have written (but, I don't really write poetry).
I'm still thinking about easy access to AI and what it might mean for white collar jobs like mine. Here's an article on the topic I stumbled upon today. I'm still going to lean into being a human.